Xi Wang

Xi Wang

Assistant Professor in Construction Science

Texas A&M University


Xi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Construction Science at Texas A&M University (Profile). Her research focuses on the intersection of robotics, humans, and infrastructure to create a much safer, productive, and comfortable construction and built environment. Xi’s research interests include human-robot interaction, multi-robot coordination, robot and infrastructure intelligence, and human factors interacting with intelligent agents. Before joining Texas A&M, Xi obtained my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan, working with professors Carol Menassa and Vineet Kamat.

  • Human-robot interaction
  • Multi-robot coordination
  • Process-level digital twin
  • Robot and infrastructure intelligence
  • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, 2022

    University of Michigan

  • M.S. in Robotics, 2022

    University of Michigan

  • M.S.E. in Construction Engineering and Management, 2018

    University of Michigan

  • B.S. in Construction Management, 2017

    Dongbei University of Finance and Economics


Texas A&M Univesity
Assistant Professor
Sep 2022 – Present College Station, TX
  • Multi-Robot Coordination in Construction
  • Process-Level Construction Process Supervision
  • Additive Manufacturing for Construction Applications
Unviersity of Michigan
Graduate Student Research Assistant
Jan 2019 – Present Ann Arbor, MI
  • Interactive and Immersive Digital Twin for Human-Robot Collaborative Construction
  • Integrating Building Information Model (BIM) into Construction Robotics
  • Robot Construction Task Learning from Demonstration
  • Human-Centric Indoor Monitoring and Control
Unviersity of Michigan
Graduate Student Instructor
Jan 2021 – Apr 2021 Ann Arbor, MI
  • Delivered lectures in weekly online lab sessions
  • Developed and administed lab projects (project delivery , construction cost estimation, dispute resolution, project scheduling, resource planning) and weekly quizzes materials
  • General Administrations
Unviersity of Michigan
Research Assistant
Sep 2017 – Dec 2018 Ann Arbor, MI
  • Human Mental Workload and Performance in Different Indoor Enviornments
  • Advancing Caregivers' Skills and Comfort Level in Ambulatory Ontology Settings
  • Promoting Independent Mobility for People with Physical Disabilities with Crowdsourcing Mechanism and SLAM
  • Life Cycle Assessments for Interdependencies in Community Resilience

Selected Paper

(2024). Enabling Building Information Model-Driven Human-Robot Collaborative Construction Workflows with Closed-Loop Digital Twins. In Computers in Industry.

PDF Cite Video DOI

(2023). Automatic High-Level Motion Sequencing Methods for Enabling Multi-Tasking Construction Robots. In Automation in Construction.

Cite Video DOI

(2021). Interactive and Immersive Process-Level Digital Twin for Collaborative Human–Robot Construction Work. In Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.

Cite DOI

(2021). Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction: Classification and Research Trends. In Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.

Cite DOI

(2019). Investigating the Neurophysiological Effect of Thermal Environment on Individuals' Performance Using Electroencephalogram. In Building and Environment.

Cite DOI